Sunday 17 February 2013

Who could possibly sleep...?

Bags packed... check!

I can't believe how great we packed this time.  One whole suitcase full of donations, not to mention the other large suitcase holding our smaller carry on and some of our clothes - the rest in our carry on.  If my calculations serve correct, that equates to approximately 35kg of shopping to bring back.

Kitchen clean... almost!  Just got to put away those dishes.

Time for bed... definitely!!

I'm so excited that I just know I'll lay awake for hours, but realise that I need to get to bed at a reasonable time to make the most of our first day back in Bali.

After getting our warning email to be at the airport 3 hours prior to check-in, we have reassessed our wake up and travel time, which means at least a 5:30am start to the day.  That really doesn't sit well for a night owl like me!!

Miss 7 is all packed and settled at Nanny and Grandpa's - you wouldn't even think she realises we are gone and won't be seeing her for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!  I'm sure it will sink in within a few days... Meanwhile, I couldn't swallow the lump in my throat as we drove around the corner.  This will be the longest I have ever been separated from her.

I know the time apart will be good for all three of us, but can't help feeling that there will always be this feeling that something is missing... and of course it will be.

Ok now, let's start counting Bintangs in our sleep...

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